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Presentation, coaching and courses

These classes consist of an entertaining lecture and a guided workshop designed to develop mastery of the subject. They are modular, so you can choose from the list and personalize your training.

Russell Bekins

Russell Bekins

Using his experience in film, theatre and theme parks, Russell has created courses in how to develop and control emotion in presentations through storytelling, creativity, visual metaphor, and vocal power. 

Mr. Bekins earned his living in theatre and film working with stories in Los Angeles, first as a story analyst then as a creative executive. From theatre comes the invaluable work on training the voice and relaxation of the body. From film he got clear understanding of story structure at a professional level. This experience has also been invaluable to clients seeking to market their products in the United States: all advertising involves elements of story structure. 

As a concept designer for theme parks, Mr. Bekins coordinated teams of architects, set designers, graphic designers, programmers, video and multimedia artists with the objective of creating the best possible attraction. This process of “design thinking” has given him insights on how to bring creative ideas of a team.